Proverbs 3:5,6

With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.


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Entries in responsibilities (1)


Chore Charts

Raise your hand if you use chore charts.  We do and we love them!  They are a great tool for motivating, teaching responsibility, and helping kids learn basic household tasks.  Over the years we have gone through a variety of charts and lists, each one helping our kids learn at different stages.

These charts have also been a great way for us to teach our kids about financial responsibilities.  We choose to call their rewards "commission" instead of an "allowance".  The real world does not give you a paycheck just for showing up to work, you need to earn it.  We learned some very good tips from Dave Ramsey in his Financial Peace University program about raising financially responsible kids.  In the end, teaching our kids household tasks and responsibility is a win-win, wouldn't you agree?

I sat down today to work on our "Summer Responsibility Charts" and decided to share our most recent Responsibility Charts with my blog readers.

This is our current "after school responsibility chart".  This worked so well!  The kids knew what was expected of them each day after school.  Once they completed their responsibilities, they were able to have free-time until dinner.  Adding in the "extra chore" choice was to give them a little more control over their tasks.  This made the dinnertime/bedtime scramble a lot less chaotic.  It left us with more family time at night for reading together or playing games.
I printed it out and stuck it on the fridge.  Everyone knew where it was and checked it everyday (until they had it memorized!)  Another idea is to put it in an 8x10 frame and use a dry erase marker to cross off the tasks as they are completed.  Then you can see which chores are being done and wipe it clean for the next week!

The following  will be our chart for this summer.  This is completely flexible, it IS summer after all!  If we are gone for the day, then the responsibilities don't get done, plain and simple.  This at least gives us a tiny bit of structure during the break and keeps their brains learning (workbook, reading, etc).  It will also make the transition back into the Fall schedule much easier.
I hope these charts have been helpful and inspiring!  I have many other versions that we have tried in our family and that I have made for other families.  If you are interested in me developing a chore chart for your family, please feel free to contact me through ink & mouse!  Comment in this post and let me know if you use a chart system in your house and what has worked well for you.