Proverbs 3:5,6

With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.


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Have a beautiful and lovely day,


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Pinterest is good.

Pinterest has revolutionized my home decorating, fashion wearing, gift wrapping, food making, art inspiring world.  I have always been a visual person and Pinterest speaks right into that on so many levels. There are some nights I will "Pin" for hours and other times, I pop on there for an idea and I'm off to attempt a project.  There are very few people I know who have not heard of Pinterest but, on the off chance you haven't been over there... check. it. out.

I am finding more and more ways to use Pinterest as a tool for my design business.  Here is a list of ways Pinterest has worked its way into my business plan and helped me become a better designer and business owner:

1. Style.

When my clients go to my Pinterest Boards, they can get a pretty good idea of what my general style reflects.  Its amazing when I take a closer look at my boards and see similarities mirrored from pin to pin.  This also gives my clients a sense of who I am.  When working closely with a client, I believe it is so important to build a relationship more than just business.  I'm not asking every client to be my BFF, but I want them to get a tiny idea of what inspires me.

2. Design Funk.

Let's face it, there is no way I can be 100% creative every moment of the day.  Ask any designer and they will tell you that we can get in a design funk.  Artists need to be inspired!  On many occasions, I have mindlessly scanned through pages of pins soaking in the creative genius of others.  This is an extremely motivating process.  When I see a beautiful work of art or perfectly designed graphic, I find myself snapping back and wanting to create something beautiful.  Clients can't wait around for me to sulk in a funk, they want results.

3.  Communication.

Communication is key to me understanding what my clients are needing for their projects.  I get clients who come to me and say, "create whatever you want, I don't care, just make something great."  I also get clients who know exactly what they want but, have a difficult time communicating what they see in their vision.  Then there are the clients who have no clue what they are looking for, a blank slate.  I encourage my clients to create a Pinterest board and start pinning things they find appealing.  It doesn't have to be a specific theme or item but, just begin to pin.  When we step back and look at the board they have created, my designers eye can see what style, colors, and design elements that client is drawn to visually.

4. Colors.

When you begin to break it down, there are many different shades and variety of colors!
Do you want Kermit Green or Seafoam?

Color selection can play a very important role in determining branding, website appearance, and logo development.  Colors can reflect moods, feelings, and impressions.  Choosing the perfect color combination can be tricky.  There is a huge difference between a client who says, "I want blues and greens" and the client who states, "I would like tiffany blue and lime".  I have set-up color boards and refer my clients to browse them when determining their color palette.

5. Private.

There is a way to create private boards, pins that only invitees are allowed to see.  What a great tool for me to upload my clients projects so they can see the development of their design.  It is also a place where I can upload images and pin things I want my client to see.  Its private but, I can move things out of the private board and into my public boards when I'm finished.  I love this tool!

6. Marketing

I can pin things directly from my blog or website.  This allows me to share projects and designs that I have created which can drive traffic to ink & mouse. What an affordable marketing tool this has become for me and many other businesses.  I don't have a physical product, each project is unique, so Pinterest allows me to share my art/work with individuals across the globe with the click of a button.

T A L K   T O   M E :

I would love to hear how you use Pinterest!  What is your favorite thing to Pin... recipes? fashion? crafts?  Share your Pinterest link in the comments section, I'd love to see your boards.

(Pinterest has established a new set of rules for businesses, here.
I honestly haven't explored that realm yet and
I plan to see how it will work for me in the near future.)

Reader Comments (1)

I use Pinterest mainly for food. 3 or 4 times a week I am looking through the food boards to find something different to make for dinner.

January 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEmmaJ

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